GZeta, is a dynamic creative practice that forges connections through collaborative ventures, fostering dialogues within the spheres of social spaces, cultural events, inside the vibrant intersection of music and art within the territory. The mission transcends conventional boundaries as strives to enhance the world's fabric, infusing it with captivating visual narratives.

Editorial Design, Graphic Design,
Type Design,
Brand Identity.

Tunica Studio
A+A Gallery
2020 - Bachelor Degree Industrial and Multimedia Design, IUAV (VE)

2023–Ongoing - Master Degree Communication Design, IUAV  (VE)

Pool Loop, Cumulonembi, IUAV arti visive, Project 374, Manos at Spiazzi, Paradise Artificiel, Cielo Aperto, Senato degli Studenti, Spiazzi, Meeraqui 0000, Opificio.net, W.A.VE, Object.ini, Suri jewelry, Argo 16, Flexy Hauss, Vinokilo, Cantieri
Lucchese, Reloaded.fun

The project took inspiration from the Grand Canal, which has been the main crossing point of Venice for centuries, in order to convey the concept that also our art space is a transicional place of ideas, experiences, and above all, people.

“In Pesaro, the Edicola + project of the Where Is Midas association wants to transform the newspaper stand into a place of art and culture .”

Opificio is a collective project meeting point for artists from the most diverse backgrounds. Together they collaborate on innovative projects with the ambitious goal of creating a solid nightlife scene in Venice.

The Aesthetic of Control is a visual catalogue and process whose purpose is to investigate how the “control machine” is shaping the bodies and identities of mi- grants.

Where is Mida merges with Trattoria da Lucio in a kitchen, at Diamond Italy Group, on the edge of town. In two words, dinner + clubbing.

The island is still alive! Fertile ground for ideas and projects. Stop treating it like a musem! Gansèr comes to life through the recounting of the artistic, social and work experiences of the characters interviewed.

Not only the little ones but also the adults does “capricci” (whimsy). Now you’re free to do “capricci”.

All rights reserved
© Giulio Zanocco